Thursday, November 1, 2012

Human Switchboard - I Gotta Know / No!

Here's an aggressive garage-punk single by Human Switchboard on Clone Records from 1978.

The first cut "I Gotta Know" is a hip take on 60's garage rock with farfisa screeching all over, twinkling xylophone and cooing female backup vocals "lalala-ing" in the background as Bob Pfeifer does his best Van Morrison era Them/Mick Jagger swagger on the microphone.

The second cut "No!" is where its at: threatening tempo, biting-sneering vocals, grinding guitar, hand claps and one hell of a negative attitude. Has a whole different tone to it if you know what Mr. Pfiefer was arrested for... but otherwise one of my personal favorites from Ohio. A real burner. It's a shame "No!" isn't included on their anthology released on Bar-None last year (if you bought the cd you could get the download of it?). So you see this 7-incher snatch it up! Highly recommended, and fantastic to play to people just to see them do the "this is from Ohio?" stink face.